Saturday, 15 November 2014


This text is an attempt of interpretation of the Final Story of Kyoko Misuki Candy Candy novel.
I decided to make this text due to reading a blog: journal of bequi

In this blog, the author proposes that Albert is anohito. A serious job where he tries to explain the narrative and introduces the novel in historical context is in which develops.
When I started reading I thought the person was actually interested in building work to ensure the compression of the story without the partial view of the fans who are blind to any argument to favour that either Albert or Terry.

However as a moment, in his work you start to notice that the phrases are misinterpreted by her and even changed. On the other hand there are inconsistencies in the timeline that tells me that there is a correct reading and not related correspondence with the times that are more in line with history.

I exchanged opinions with her and its dogmatism which denied any criticism that made on the interpretation of the phrases told me that it would be impossible to reach an intellectual agreement in order to establish an identity of anohito in a joint effort of interpretation.

It only remains for me to clarify that I used resources of analysis that requires my profession to try and understand this story. I have the Final Story books at my disposal and I have some emerging knowledge of the Japanese language that helped me to be able to read some lines from the novel. I have also used information from the manga, the anime and novel of 1978 as this work stands.

I am not going to talk about or the history of Candy Candy in the manga and the anime nor the subsequent novels, nor of the historical context in which runs this story because it would be redundancy as bequi blog summarized well. I just want to expose an interpretation of history.

This work is my proposal is to reveal the identity of anohito.
It remains clear that any analysis is subjective (as told own bequi) nobody here has the absolute knowledge, however I tried with the means at my disposal to understand the nature of this character without name and of course the history of Candy.

The novel puzzle

It is important that Candy reader know that this novel seeks to be a narrative puzzle style choose your own adventure or game books (it is not high literature) and therefore fragmentation is not only due to the fact that history was conceived initially as a manga but also to offer alternative to the original end end conceived in the mind of Musuki. The intention of this type of book is return to the critical Reader which reads. In this process readers are active and responsive at the same time, as they interrogate and leave to respond to the text.
The example of a novel more puzzle would be the classic of universal literature James Joyce who is the exacerbation of the coded novel "Ulysses".

How to read a novel and a novel puzzle

Reading becomes a hermeneutic (interpretative) activity if it is interrogating the text and if you leave this reply, because it allows the reader the construction of questions that extends to the social group: the individual and the collective; they are then intercepted in any reader Act. Read a text is to decipher its meaning; at the same time is added in accordance with a perspective personal an interpretation. In other words, all text is characterized by its internal organization and their multiple encoding.
To allow this empathy, this particular communication, the text must refer to the totality of the person of the receiver, to all their cognitive and emotional activity to your personality. Cognitive level it tends to satisfy their literary interests. From the emotional point of view it offers elements of identification, screening, transfer and empathy with the story, with the characters.
Reader enters its relationship with the work experience continuously changing and, at the same time, conditioned situationally, among them the knowledge, information, his biography, his locks, their disturbances, such as biopsychosocial has way conscious or unconscious. The complex psychological processes that take place in the Act of reading are both mediated by domestic situations (imagos, affects, repression) and external (criticism, teaching, literary propaganda). This process which we call the transferencial arises spontaneously at the time that the reader understand, internalize, endorses the text situations and is induced to make them act over and over again, transforming them according to his own vision, his point of view; from which the aesthetic object begins to emerge.

Keiko Nagita novel and Hypertext.

Referred to as hiperficcion or hypertextual narrative to narratives written by hypertext, i.e. composed of a set of text fragments (which some call lexias) interconnected by links. They are characterized by not having a single path established by the author, but that leaves the reader the ability to choose their way among several possible. Sometimes you don't have even an established principle. It has almost never end. More extreme versions allow the reader to modify the work, either directly, or by collaborating with the original author.
Two examples of Hypertext narratives would be:
"Rayuela" by Julio Cortázar and the short story "The garden of forking paths", book fictions of Jorge Luis Borges

Again these are extreme cases, here the book is designed so that finally there is no possibility of finding solution to the narration. There is a final in the history of Misuki.

The epistolary novel

In the epistolary novel the writer-Candy is presented, in the practice of writing, as the Foundation of the truth herself announced and what they announced is exclusive inheritance of your privacy and your intimate life. It is a truth that does not need to be tested or demonstrated, and that it belongs exclusively to its individual and almost secret vision of things and the world.
In this type of novel the author appears as a transcriber, compiler and editor, which seeks to deny the romantic character of the book. The novel is through authentic reality, since it is presented as a spontaneous speech produced by a person that is not a writer by trade and was not intended for publication. Prologues and prompts the reader to help create this private and intimate nature of the epistolary or autobiographical novel.

To analyze the Final Story novel must be taken into account regardless if fan Terry or Albert is the following

-It is important that people interested in understanding this story again read the manga and watch anime. Misuki knows that it goes to a public who knows and who for more than 30 years has continued its history so we are specialized readers. If there is knowledge of the 1978 novel it would be much better.
-We have the translation of certain texts but not the two volumes of the novel. Our knowledge is fragmented. (In my particular case, I have the novel in Japanese and I am able to read the story globally but with great difficulty and help of the dictionary)

-The translations are not official. This means that by Japanese friends harder to translate never will be the same job from a real translator specialized in the publication of books. Which means that these translations are not 100% reliable. For this proposal of analysis I assume that they are confidence and at the same time, rectify the information with my own reading.

-Final Story has a literary construction known as Hypertext. Admittedly the kind of fragmented writing.

-Final Story is also an epistolary novel

-In this book the reader is active. The reader chooses or reflects. The unconscious reader sets significantly answers of the work you are reading. It is a symbolism-laden novel and each event should be regarded in the depth of its meaning.

-Due to the documentary empty (fragmented translations) the analysis must be using the information basis for the manga. It is better the manga anime because the first is more trustworthy to the story of Kyoko at least until some part of history as the end of the manga was an abuse of power by Igarashi.

-Knowledge to the identical or given. Legacy of the tragedy shakespereana CC Final story.

-Anohito has no name but is omnipresent in the novel since Misuki chose its own anohito according to interviews given while he hid it for the benefit of the reader.

-Understand what is a prologue and an epilogue.

-Blank sheets are times in the novel; but they are also arbitrary cuts proposed by the author to create a Hypertext narrative.

-The index would have to be reconstructed on the basis of a rough chronology.

Guidelines for reading this analysis

This analysis that I'm going to propose here is not to defend the position that Terry is anohito (already did this defense with the debate on the blog of bequi in Spanish) or to defend the position that Albert is anohito but to know who is anohito? whereas the clues that we have at our disposal and making a parallel of them because we don't have all of the translated book completely but we have an overview of the work.

Please and this is a message for all fans in general: you must raise awareness of heart that they can commit mistakes of reference without a final translation of the novel. One word can change the meaning of the information.

Verbs, adjectives, times, the construction of sentences of the translations in English, French and Spanish may be completely different kanji, Hiragana et les katakana that make up the Japanese language.

I can rationalize depending on the construction of a sentence made by the translators friends but perhaps the phrase has another structure, use other verbs and grammatical times different, adjectives and adverbs contrary. This is a great trap, in fact it seems that both fans Albert and fans Terry may be manipulating translations, hence the need to be able to return to this same analysis with the official translation or translation from a qualified interpreter.

With the information that we have we can give a face to anohito, at least for the moment, however, and will look in the future if this face is the true to continue getting translations by performers polite Japanese fans and continue the analysis.

Composition of the novel FinalStory

The structure of the novel.

On the structure of the novel go to Bequi blog because it is a good reference if you want to know about the composition of the chapters. Here I just want to see me a:
The prologue is an introductory element of the work, performed by the author or Candy. He meets an informative function. Refers to the content and, also, include the relevant aspects of the research, or you narrate an anecdote in particular.
In the prologue Candy introduces us through the retrospection of the Miss Pony (which recovers from his illness) and the so-called letter of Sister Mary giving him the good news. From this moment begins his reverie and his retrospection during all the novel through the chapters of the two volumes of the novel.

The epilogue is located at the end of the work. It can be described as a discourse that relies on an argument of persuasive character. In the literature, is called the epilogue or afterword. Take the character of conclusion, with a suggestive title: in a nutshell, as a closure, conclusion, among others.
Normally in the novel the epilogue is used to tell later what happened to history itself. This means that the epilogue closes the history because it is talking about a future.
CC Final story epilogue consists of correspondence of Candy/Albert. But this correspondence is chronologically anchored inside the block that goes from the 243 page to page 281. This means that epilogue does not comply the function close the plot of the novel but rather open it again inviting a perusal, a historical reading, rather, it must tie loose ends.
As it is a text that is built with the intention that each person choose their own end then also it is valid that person choose this disordered structure (see the definition of hypertext) proposed by the author and stay with Albert as anohito.
Albert is closer to the present of Candy in the Hypertext narrative because his role in this story is set in the epilogue of the book that is essentially the end of the novel. You can actually make this Association of ideas and conclude that Albert is anohito. To some extent the hypertextual narrative proposed by Misuki favors Albert because the book closes with a long correspondence. But you also have to read slightly correspondence to not find messages that refer to Terry.
However, to consider Albert as anohito, is should ignore certain fragments of the own correspondence and set aside the letter from Anthony that is later and introduced to Terry again in the plot or assume that it has Candy doesn't care at all Terry.
Which is to say all this, is that the epilogue is new information which confirms that there is a lack of information. But the problem also lies in knowing whether the epilogue is new information or not. Also means that should be taken in the interpretation that the epilogue reveals new information and also that the epilogue does not reveal anything new.
We can also accept as I said before, that is the end of the book, but it also tries us wrap or invite in a different narrative plot. But again although it seems a dead end, and although the epilogue is billed as a future of their own history, own letters reveal their true chronology and its place in the novel.
Now, we cannot forget that there really is another epilogue (beware!) in this novel. The first epilogue as said before it is proposed by the author with the Candy/Alber correspondence, but we are also told by the chronology of these cards, that is not the true chronological epilogue, there is actually another. What is another epilogue? You could say, it is the obituary notice of Susana and the letter from Terry. Yes, indeed this is the epilogue of Terry but is there something more? Indeed Yes.
This means that Terry has for an epilogue chronological and Albert has a narrative epilogue.
Then there is the following statement by bequi:
"To read the letters in the epilogue, we need to understand this scenario, the great secret, nobody knows Candy & W.A. met 15 years ago, nobody knows that you are writing romantic letters to the other, no one knows that one of the other are in love. They are living a secret relationship and "Albert" is an expert in keeping things concealed, and of course once we understand the real secret that hides the epilogue, some of the letters in the section III now will have a new meaning." Bequi journal. Anohito untangled

Contrary to what says bequi blogged about the epilogue she says that this was done by Misuki to give letters of Albert greater importance and that understanding the great secret that keeps these so-called "romantic letters" you can understand some of the letters of section III of volume II bone information ranging from page 148 to the 283. Then in your own work when it classified the letters of Albert and the epilogue introduces them in their true temporality disappears and your explanation is no epilogue.
This is not correct because you cannot delete the literary composition of Misuki or cut to convenience. If bequi wants to make an analysis of who is anohito must also propose another epilogue so if Albert charts are not the true chronological epilogue then must necessarily exist another epilogue. What then is the another epilogue? If the novel has a prologue necessarily must have a close or chronological epilogue.


Looking globally at the novel Misuki built two alternate endings, though one at least for the moment with the translations we have cancelled the other or it distorts a little when a global analysis of the events and the symbolism in the novel. The scale is more inclined towards one of the two characters is intended is anohito. I suggest that you read the following proposal and you take a conclusion.
Anohito is Albert - Anohito is Terry
Anohito is Albert. To run this story with that finish is necessary to read the story as Misuki wrote it, however you should avoid to read: "the Charter of Candy to Terry", "the letter from Terry to Candy" and "the Charter of Candy Anthony." Do not chronologies, you don't have to do anything more than to forget about those cards. Surely that Albert is under this formula anohito and nobody can refute it. Now you can make the chronology to create its universe Albert and Candy but don't forget to delete these letters or well you can also believe that Candy forgot Terry (proposal by Bequi blog) but in that sense at best fail to make chronology or stay with the chronology that Defender Albert as anohito which is incorrect in a few years ago.
Anohito is Terry to make it anohito is more complicated. You must read the novel until the end several times. When you are finished you will have a feeling that there is something that does not fit. The single letter from Terry to Candy is not entirely satisfactory to say that this is or that Susana anohito dies. There you must become an active reader. If you want to know if Terry is actually anohito will have to take pen and paper and create a timeline of the novel, and anchor the correspondence of Albert in its true place. In addition you will need to analyze the formulas that they are used to describe Terry during the novel and the symbolism that proposes the author to bind to Candy with this character and will of course have to have present the figure of Anthony throughout this tour.
But this is not enough, the fan of Terry will have to reread several times above all the correspondence of Albert and Candy but not like it and like it very tedious, as it has relevant information that favor much Terry.

What are the major mistakes of the argumentation of Bequi blog roughly?

The first thing, is that we must recognise the merit's Bequi that above all shows that he is a true fan of the history of Candy.
Yet, guarantee them that it is a guide to a certain very good point and the fans of Terry can also use it to understand the world of Misuki but beware when they arrive to anohito problem because at that time his work changes and alters. So far my recommendation to read.

On my part when I read, try to convince me that anohito was Albert, I thought, I thought, and I thought,
(I saw the entire anime, I read the entire manga (I confess that I fell in love of the character of Albert when analyzed back sleeve) and returned again to the translations of the novel Final Story more what I could understand to grades features of reading the books.) However I thought that his work was very forced and contradictory.

What I hindered to follow the proposal of bequi until the end were the following points:
-The chronology. It is a good temporary globally, but altered it a little to benefit Albert.

-The sense that builds in relation to the correspondence Albert and Candy. He amputated or short phrases so they can acquire another meaning.

-The fact that seek to create a meaning between the letter from Anthony to the correspondence of Albert and Candy that does not exist. Again he amputated phrases so they can acquire another sense.

-Not discusses the Charter of Candy to Terry that gives us many clues.

-It fails to note the nature and character of Albert to build its own storyline but it reconstructs this character using the characteristics and history of Terry. I always had the impression that in this interpretation of Albert proposed by she steals Terry many of their characteristics, their pain and suffering in order to develop a tragic love between Candy and Albert that has never existed in Misuki head.

-The epilogue disappears from its interpretive proposal. There is an afterword in novel Misuki and it may not exist. If a literary analysis is done we can not eliminate a part of the structure of the novel.

-No mentions anywhere tracks anohito offered us Candy in their present. Why?

-You said that it should have in mind the historical context and customs but forget to apply these elements to a marriage or union between Albert (adoptive father) and Candy (adoptive daughter) how to solve this dilemma?

On the issue of a marriage between Candy and Albert

This appearance not uncomfortable at all the fans of Albert, but it is important to know that this novel is geared to an adult audience that is in question and analyzes the plot. Nagita knows that readers know that there is a legal bond of adoptive parent and adopted daughter Candy and Albert.
In the latest letters from the correspondence of Candy she keeps signing with surname Andley (see letter to aunt Elroy) which means that you for the time it remains the legal daughter of Albert. Please take this into account. Here is information on this point, and you draw the conclusions of the case.

On the issue of a marriage between relatives we have two visions, Canon law and civil law.
Let's see what does say about the ban on such marriages.

In terms of the Bible:
In Leviticus. 18:6-19, there is a list of what some call "prohibited joints" or "incestuous marriages", and although that portion of the Scriptures what is actually prohibited is a man to see or look at the naked body of his close relatives, is understood that is also forbidden to marry or have sex with any of the persons included in the list. Reading the quoted passage will see that close relatives whose nudity is forbidden to discover are: father, mother, stepmother, sister, granddaughter, Middle sister, aunt, paternal uncle, political aunt, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, political daughter and granddaughter political. As you can see, this list excludes cousins; but in the Bible there is something more in this regard.
The Mosaic law applies to Christians, Catholics, Protestants, Baptists.

The impediments or prohibitions of marriage
Matrimonial impediments arise from natural law and positive law, whether Canon law or the civil law; There is a distinction between settling impediments that are what make null the marriage and prohibitory impediments that only make it illegal.
Impediments to have ties of kinship with the other spouse:
-Impairment of legal kinship by adoption (c. 1094). It is the relationship which arises from the legal adoption and represents an impediment for those who are United by it in a straight line (padrastro-hijastra; behalf), or in the second degree of the collateral line (half-brothers).


At 27 September 2016 at 11:12 , Blogger carmen said...

Omg, siguen con lo mismo?? Si todos sabemos que el ser humano siempre ha roto las leyes civiles y de la iglesia de alguna manera por años y que se han armando grandes escandalos de toda naturaleza durante toda la historia y sabemos que el DINERO siempre ha movido al mundo, sabemos que con Dinero todo es posible, yo no se por que se les hace imposible que Candy y Albert terminaran casados, hablan de estadisticas,fechas, epocas y leyes en todos los analisis que he leido hacerca de esta historia pero nadie habla de que en esta vida si luchas y te lo propones puede uno conseguir lo que quieres ademas siempre ha existido la corrupcion, yo si creo que Candy y Albert se arriesgaron a todo y rompieron todas las reglas y que no les importo el que diran aunque tuvieran que luchar contra viento y marea, que yo sepa ellos siempre rompieron reglas ordenes tradiciones, lo vimos en el anime y lo leimos en el manga la misma Mizuki les dio esa caracteristica, entonces por que se les hace tan dificil aceptarlo, yo no creo que fuera el unico caso en esa epoca o si?? No lo creo por que en esa epoca y en esta tambien se rompieron y se siguen rompiendo leyes de toda clase quedando poco a poco en el olvido, ademas no habia ningun lazo de sangre entre ellos y ya habian vivido juntos por un tiempo y no creo que Albert le haya sido indiferente a Candy, Albert era todo un caballero con muchas cualidades y attributos, que mas se puede pedir? quizas les suene descabellado e impuro para la epoca en que vivian pero hay que ser realistas y si puede pasar, me da risa que no hablen de Los padres que casaban a sus hijas pequeñas con hombres ya maduros sin importar que ni siquiera se conocian y ni habia amor solo por un estatus social y dinero y nadie hace mencion alguna sobre este tema, Albert no era un viejo ademas era muy guapo y siempre ayudo a Candy y tenia un gran poder asi que yo pienso que si hiso uso de su poder y se caso. Sinceramente yo no creo que la autora haya cambiado la idea original del manga, y tampoco creo que Candy siguio enamorada de Terry, quiza lo recordaba como con cariño pero nada mas, el tiempo y la distancia cambian los sentimientos, y no me digan que no es verdad, si Candy supero la muerte de Anthony que es lo mas duro que a una persona le puede pasar entonces lo mas seguro esque tambien supero lo de Terry aunque fue muy duro para ella dejarlo con Susana, afortumadame nos podemos volver a enamorar y olvidar con el tiempo. Tampoco nadie hace mencion alguna de que Terry tenia un mal caracter,tomaba era rebelde super celoso pero pegarle a una mujer es inaceptable no lo creen? Peor aun despues de tanto tiempo que Candy no sabia nada de terry recibe una carta nada romantica solo diciendo En mi nada ha cambiado, wow enserio esperaba que Candy iba a correr a sus brazos teniendo a Albert a su lado? Para nada No sabemos por que Mizuki puso este detalle (la cachetada) en la historia pero yo pienso que tenia el proposito de alertar a Las televidentes y lectoras sobre la violencia y abuso hacia las mujeres, esa es mi opinion. Mizuki desde el principio puso a Albert como el amor definitivo de Candy, si no fuera asi entonces me pregunto, por que Las canciones hablan de un anohito que era Rubio de ojos azules, hablan de la Colina hablan de un principe. y tambien en las declaraciones que hiso la autora dijo que Albert seria el amor definitivo de Candy, asi que no creo que solo por las fans de Terry haya cambiado el final para nada ademas tambien dijo que la Familia Andrew era el origen de su historia ella creo esta imaginaria Familia cuando su padre murio asi que mas claro no puede ser la misma Mizuki queria que Candy quedara con un Andrew no con un Granchester, y por si fuera poco tambien Ani su mejor amiga su hermana se queda con un Andrew y tambien enfrentaron oposcicion pero lo Superaron. Hay que ver la vida como es en realidad, la vida no es perfecta por que somos imperfectos por naturaleza. Bueno pues you me quedo con ALBERT, y pregunto a quien no le gustaria un Principe? :)

At 28 September 2016 at 13:41 , Blogger Unknown said...

Ese es tu punto de vista. Yo tengo el mío y pienso que Anohito es Terry por las explicaciones ya escritas anteriormente. Respeto tu criterio pero no estoy de acuerdo.

At 22 February 2019 at 10:21 , Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 22 February 2019 at 10:23 , Blogger Unknown said...

Estas muy equivocada Carmen, en todo, incluso agregas elementos totalmente fuera de lugar. He leído opiniones de todo tipo, incluso en japonés, y en definitiva en español, italiano, inglés y japonés con el libro se concluye que Terry es el amor de Candy. Las fans de Albert se agarran de elementos muy rebuscados como ese argumento tuyo, empezando xq aludes a corrupción, como si Candy y Albert fuesen a “hacer uso de dinero y poder” para obtener lo que deseen. Eliza y Neil si, ellos jamás. Eso sin mencionarte lo que dicen en Japón: si Albert fuese あの人 entonces porque haría un libro Candy final Story (y romántico) si el manga finalizó con Albert (aunque no en plan romántico)?!! Y porque tanto amor y frases en torno a Terry?! Porque obviamente Terry es あの人 y Mizuki asi lo quiso.


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